Gymfinity Blog

My Graduation Speech

By Gymfinity | June 12, 2009

(As excerpted from Gymfinity staff newsletter) Some day, someone at a prestigious college will give me an honorary doctorate to appear as a graduation speaker. This year as we have 5 staff and 2 team members graduating I have been thinking of the typical drivel that speakers usually deliver and couldn’t help but think: I could…

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Choosing your kid’s Activity Center

By Gymfinity | June 3, 2009

Here are a few questions to ask when you are considering signing your child up for an activity.   Are the Staff educated in what they will be teaching? First off, education. The staff should be good at what they teach but should also have a solid background on the topic as well.  I once…

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Get your share of the important stuff…. Calcium

By Gymfinity | May 27, 2009

Our bodies need Calcium and our main source is through our diet. Although it is a mineral that is essential for life, the majority of Americans do not get adequate calcium on a daily basis. Actually Calcium is the fifth most abundant element by mass in our bodies and it’s an essential factor in keeping those bodies running…

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TnT is amazing at AAU State Championship

By Gymfinity | May 18, 2009

Last weekend, May 16-17, The Gymfinity Tumble and Trampoline team travelled to Bloomington IL and Illinois State University to compete in the Wisconsin State Amateur Athletic Union Championship.  Wisconsin does not have enough teams in-state to host our own meet, so our teams travel to Illinois and piggy-back on their championship weekend. Gymfinity Athletes dominated…

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Just wait until you have kids….

By Gymfinity | May 7, 2009

I’ve been in the “working with kids” business since 1980; coaching, teaching, supervising etc. I have worked side by side with parents and with people who don’t have children too.  If I had a dollar for everytime I heard “just wait until you have kids…” I’d be pretty wealthy. I always thought how those who…

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TnT Rocks at State Championships

By Gymfinity | April 29, 2009

Gymfinity’s TnT team travelled to Romeoville  Illinois for the state championships as Wisconsin only has 2  teams competing in AAU/US Tumbling and Trampoline Association.  Our Wisconsin team competed with Illinois and Wisconsin teams.  Gymfinity came out on top this year, with many of our kids taking top honors. TnT has 3 competition events; The Trampoline, The…

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