6 Points to help the ride home after practice
Kids as early as 4 years old can detect false emotion. Saying something like “I don’t care how you did today, I love you just the same” is a great message. But the phrasing is cliched and will put a pre-teen or older child into defense mode. Child behavior specialists will tell you how important it is to say this and I agree, but as a coach I can tell you that cliches and following expert scripts will have the opposite effect from what you were looking for. Better yet, make a comment on how proud you are for effort, hard work, progress, or anything that will reinforce that you were actually watching. Their effort is really the only thing that they can control. To compliment it means you value what they did and who they are.
Read MoreKids milestones: growing in Gymnastics (part 2)
By this age, coaches can interact with specific skill stations while others can be self-directed. The kids become more aware of others’ feelings (empathy) at this age. Some time is given in class for team building activities, things like team challenges, or games can help develop a sense of feeling for, and with, other people. They are beginning to understand cause and effect relationships. Classes help them understand that certain movements or patterns will cause specific results. For example putting the arms out to the side while turning makes the turn slower and often can lead them to be off center. Understanding these relationships allows them to understand why they have specific techniques to skill performance.
Read MoreWhat age should kids start gymnastics?
They really think being upside down is an interesting perspective. Kids love to see the world differently whether hanging upside down or supporting themselves with their feet elevated. This perspective change is fun and stimulates the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear even more. Kids are experiencing the joy of independent movement and are ready for more challenges now that their first attempts are “mastered”.
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It’s all about cultivating the habit of achievement. Why a person learns to set and work toward goals it eventually just becomes a habit. Whether it’s training in a sport or buckling down academically, accomplishing goals is something you can practice and get better at over time.
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While the benefits of sports are undeniable, it’s disheartening to note that girls continue to participate at lower rates than boys. However, I believe in breaking down these barriers and creating inclusive environments where all children feel welcome and encouraged to pursue their athletic passions; boy or girl.
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have had people review us and state that we seem a little “franchise-y”, which makes me laugh. Being our only location but being a product of a life-long passion, the business has been raised to be professional and efficient without ever losing the focus of putting kids first. Without ever forgetting that gymnastics teaches kids so much more than cartwheels. Franchises have to be professional and have business systems in place to assure a quality experience. If that’s how we “seem” then I say; Thank you.
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