Posts Tagged ‘Gymfinity’
Defending Gymnastics
When our kids train hard, they sometimes fall. They sometimes get extra work to enforce a new technique, or they may have repercussions for failed attempts. This is not abuse, it’s coaching. They learn This is the technique I need to use for that particular skill. They learn I will push myself to get this skill to satisfy the coach but more importantly satisfy myself. They know that they are strong and resilient once they have met pain/fear and become unafraid to face it again. That lesson through life provides a young person who is willing to work to receive and is willing to stand up for themselves when others may cower. They become strong of body, spirit, and mind because they know that nothing will stand between them and their goal. Isn’t that a worthy outcome?
Read MoreThe Mountain Top
No one said the road would be easy, but if the dream is worth attaining, then a difficult journey will only raise the value of the dream. We encourage them to work through setbacks and keep their focus on what is in front of them. The feeling of return after a setback is one of the most fulfilling feelings a person can experience if we allow it to be. We, as leaders, must stay in front of them as they tread the difficult parts. Reminding them that they will be stronger for fighting through.
Read MoreHow you do anything is how you do everything
At Gymfinity we cleaned and cleaned again. We developed stringent requirements that our staff would operate by, we closed when we were told to close and didn’t open until we were told we could. We stayed below the required percentages of people allowed on site and we enacted so many protocols that rather than a gymnastics program that has safety procedures, we are feeling like a safety procedure company that has gymnastics as a side gig. But we did it, because, as we often tell the children, we’d rather suffer doing right, than prosper doing wrong.
Read MoreWhere is the rock to stand upon?
I wanted a program that was based on character and used gymnastics as a vehicle to help kids grow and determine their own potential. I wanted to help them surpass what they perceived were their own limits. I knew that if I could share my passion that the math would work itself out.
Read MoreGymfinity and Covid-19
Some children’s activity centers might not take the issue of keeping the facility clean for the children as seriously as we do. So, what is Gymfinity doing to keep everyone healthy? Aside from posting accurate information here regarding infectious diseases that we all hear about in the press:
Instructors wash their hands before and after each class. Common areas are cleaned and disinfected regularly (including handles, doors, counters, etc). Gymfinity has a cleaning service for the lobby and common areas. These areas are cleaned every day. Equipment in the gym is cleaned and disinfected regularly. We have a secret weapon and his name is Nathan. Nathan has been with Gymfinity for over 13 years and comes in 4 days a week to clean and sanitize mats and surface areas in then gym. He is very detail oriented. We utilize a chemical cleaning compound called Zone Defense that wipes out 99% of all the items on the Haz-Mat scale. This treatment is safe to humans as it is released overnight, and completely harmless by morning. Our staff is instructed to STAY HOME if they (or someone in their family) is ill. You may notice some substitute teachers, this may be the reason.
Making Decisions is a Skill to be Taught
We, as coaches, or even as parents have a responsibility to guide and teach. Many young parents opt for the efficiency of pushing their kids in the right direction to avoid delay, or save a child from mistakes. Kids without skinned knees have such anxiety when they have to face the real world, because they haven’t learned how to get up after falling.
Read MoreWhat I learned from a dog named Kumo
I have always believed that we have to accept life as a game. Accepting whatever happens as a challenge. If we can overcome it, we win a point. I think every person can handle more than they ever thought they could. Because, just like a game, when the challenges just keep coming, we become better players.
Read MoreHow do we help kids be successful?
Many of the skills and traits we try to pass along are not tangible. They cannot be posted on Instagram, they cannot be shown to the neighbor over the backyard fence. I would argue though, that they are on full display. What then are we charged with developing? Here are my top 6.
Read MoreHow sharper than a serpents tooth it is to have a thankless child
One of the biggest hot topics in the business world, at least my part of it, is about setting an “attitude of gratitude” in the workplace. I have long been a believer in this focus not only at Gymfinity but in my house and with my teams. The culture that this perspective sets will be one of success and happiness and keep your mind in tune with just how fortunate we all are and that we have a lot to be thankful for. In King Lear Shakespeare says “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.” So here are a few thoughts on gratitude to help us avoid the serpent’s tooth.
Read MoreThe winning side of failing
If we compare ourselves to a standard or even an expectation we may hold, when we fail it shows us a pretty clear picture of where we need improvement in order to redefine the outcome to succeed. Without an occasional evaluation of our progress or our performance we could be completely in the dark about how adept we are.
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