Posts Tagged ‘ParKour’
Are sports drinks healthy? Yes and no.
I have had the debate with a few friends and gym parents as to whether or not sports drinks are healthy. My position is that they are. And that they aren’t. To start with the drink and the purpose of the drink have to be identified. If you are drinking to rehydrate, to energize or just…
Read MoreI resolve to….be S*M*A*R*T
Lose weight, workout more, get my financials in order, call my brothers more, learn a new language, etc. The list is endless and most often it’s open-ended. Most people who make resolutions do it with a genuine desire for self-improvement, the problem is in the follow through. Often our resolutions are little more than thoughts…
Read MoreWhere did Gymnastics come from?
No one really knows when gymnastics started. There are cave drawings that date back thousands of years that depict tumblers and athletes performing what appears to be floor exercises. As recorded history tells, in the beginning (ancient Greece) the gymnasts of the time were actually wrestling. The combatants would perform dynamic exercises before engaging…
Read MoreSpring Show is more than a show
This last week we had the Gymfinity Spring Show Flip Fest 2011. It’s a week when every developmental gymnastics, tumble and tramp, Gym Tyke, Special Motion, Sprytes or Funtastics kid gets to show off. The teachers develop short routines and the kids perform. Parents video and snap pictures wildly but mostly cheer and clap. It’s…
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