Guest post: The REAL skills learned in gymnastics

In life, just like gymnastics, it takes discipline and dedication to make a difference. Success doesn’t come
over night or without challenge. An important part of success, regardless of the degree, is failure. In
gymnastics, you rarely land a new skill on the first try. You must do drills repeatedly to build the
foundation for the skill. Even then, you will fail. You will need to shake it off, reset, and get up to try

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How did I ever get here?

J Orkowski's High School Gymnastics Team

I look at those formative years and recall some of my role models. Most of them would not even recognize me if I walked up and shook their hand. If they did, it would be as Harry’s little brother, the quiet nerdy kid who was either reading or standing on his hands.
I was thinking the other day, how so many of the people who influence us in life rarely ever realize the impact they had. I wouldn’t even know if they were aware of me let alone know that after 40+ years, I am still in the sport.

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What Really Matters

Gymfinity Dairy Aire Coaching

Having just survived the holidays, some are making NY resolutions. I ask that maybe this year we could let go of the minutia, cast away the petty disagreements and squabbles; and resolve to matter. What if for one year we tried to honor yesterday and shape tomorrow?

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The winning side of failing

Gymfinity J Orkowski

If we compare ourselves to a standard or even an expectation we may hold, when we fail it shows us a pretty clear picture of where we need improvement in order to redefine the outcome to succeed. Without an occasional evaluation of our progress or our performance we could be completely in the dark about how adept we are.

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Help me understand kids in this digital age

Gymfinity Baby Laptop

I am at a loss. I think I struggle with something that we are all facing, and I would love input on ideas that work for you and your family. I’m talking about our kids being held captive by their electronics.
All electronics have negative side-effects. For all of the functionality the provide, they also provide dysfunction in the form of distraction and a place to hide from reality. For all of the information they can give to us, they also allow access to the largest collection of stupidity ever assembled, I’m looking at you YouTube.

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By comparison

Keep in mind that you are the one that defines success. So, making the comparison to someone else’s concept will never get you there. The investment of your time, your mind, and your own work will always payout. After all, if they did it, and they’re not so special, then so can you; on your terms, in your way, in your time.

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A Mom’s Letter to Gymnastics

Maya Gymfinity

This weekend is the state meet for our Level 7-10 gymnasts. For some it it is the meet before the Regional Championship, and for some it is end of a season. Still for others it is the end of a career. This year we say good-bye to 4 seniors (one of which will compete in college) and one long term term member who is hanging up her leotard.

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How to live without fear: make the new year less scary

overcome fear

Sometimes it’s good to be afraid. Fear is an instinct that rears up when we perceive danger. There are some instances when being afraid can keep us alive. “Hey, go wrestle that alligator.” “No thank you, that scares me.”  When we perceive danger, Adrenalin is released, our heart rate increase, or senses are on edge,…

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10 Lessons Mom taught me

Oh, if I had a dollar for every bit of wise advice that my mom fed me growing up…. Now as a parent, I see how frustrating it must have been for her to try to get me to listen when, of course, as a teenager, I always knew better, as teens always do. I…

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