Gymfinity leads the way to the 21st century for our families

I hear from business advisors that we in our industry need to make better use of the internet to attract customers.  I feel that Gymfinity’s goal all along with the internet is to make better use of informing our customers.

On Facebook we have a group called The REAL Gymfinity for fans and associates to stay abreast of the latest happenings at Gymfinity. Facebook users are welcome to join the group and be a part of our extended family.

Twitter is a program that asks the question: What are you doing? And Gymfinity answers once or sometimes twice a day.  Updates about our teams, our programs and events at the gym are sent out to the community instantly informing our “followers” of what we’re doing.  Joining Twitter gets the updates posted to your page, but we also have the chance to check the latest post from our website link without joining.  This is a great option since many people don’t want, just one more thing to keep track of…. but it is pretty cool.

Since Gymfinity has started this blog, we are told several other “Kid oriented” businesses have done the same.  We think that’s great! We beleive that we all need to better keep our families informed of what we do and what we think.  This blog is a great place to learn about Gymfinity’s take on life and living at Gymfinity.  No politics, no preaching, just gym talk.

Lastly, Gymfinity has been offering secure online registration to our families for over 2 years. The only Gymnastics and Cheer club in Wisconsin to be doing it, unfortunately (for Wisconsin).  We started working online because of Madison’s particularly strong affinity for the Internet and our comfort of doing business online. Our thoughts, first, were to cut down on the use of paper. Besides being Internet savvy Madison is extremely environmentally conscious.  By eliminating paper by 50% we could make a big difference on the footprint we leave on our environment.  We also felt that our labor would be lessened if people entered their own data.  Not spending time trying to decipher a handwritten registration would mean more time attending to real customer service. We wanted to also make it more convenient; allowing an insomniac parent to register their child at 3AM or a working parent to do it from their desk meant everyone is better served.  Lastly, we know what our customers expected. There is a Children’s Activity Center standard for how everyone in this industry “does” business and we wanted to exceed it and the expectations of our clientele.



Gymfinity  strives to provide the best in our instructors, their training is an ongoing process that never ends and fits in with our philosophy of constant and never ending improvement.  Our facility is always being upgraded, for example; we saw a small profit off of running the State Championship last December and we turned around and applied it to new carpeting throughout the gym and resurfacing the parking lot (coming soon, hang in there).  Our philosophy has always been to provide the best we can for our families, and always attempt to exceed all expectations.  Let us know how we’re doing.

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