Big weekend for Gymfinity!!
What a weekend we had. There was so much going on at the gym and so much fun too.
On Friday: we had the sidewalk put in, so the parking lot is full of large construction vehicles. It makes it a little constricted for a while but in the end, we will have more parking and the city will get their wish…a side walk. The city of Fitchburg is also making us take out one of the drive ways which will make the front of the building a little harder to get to for drop offs and pick ups, but the city says only one driveway so it’s only one. Don’t get mad at us, we have to play by the rules. Hopefully in the spring we will have the new parking lot done and it will be pot-hole free and all smooth. Even though over the next few months it will be covered in hard packed snow anyway. Yikes, I don’t look forward to winter at all.
On Saturday we held the annual Halloween Spooktacular. Kids came by for a “Pre-Trick or Treat” party and played games, bounced on the trampoline and ate cookies and punch. We had a costume contest too. We had Harry Potter, The Cat in the Hat, Clowns, Ninjas, Dragons and more awesome costumes than I can ever tell you about. It was a really great time, I can’t wait for next year. Mark your calendars now for the Drop n’ Shop. A huge open play time with games, activities and even lunch while you get to go shopping. It’s the day after Thanksgiving and it’s a great way to get your shopping done while leaving the kids with someone you trust…Gymfinity.
Sunday: We hosted the State Championship for the PREP Optional gymnastics levels in Wisconsin. Gymfinity did a great job and our kids brought home lots of “bling” to prove it.
In the Bronze Level; Abby A. took 3rd All Around and Nadia I. took 4th . They did a great job. Abby even stayed after to help put the gym back in order. Thanks Abby YOU RULE!
In the Silver Level; Tatum T. took 11th All Around and Anya B. took 7th. Amber N. took 4th, Hannah P. took 3rd, Morgan K. took 2nd and Anna O. took the honors of All Around Champion. Thats 6 out of the top 11 scores. Seeing those Gymfinity girls dominate the awards stand just about brought a tear to my eye. I remember when they were just starting out. Oh how fast they grow….and get awesome!
In the Gold Level we held 2 of the top 3 scores. 3rd place was Nikky Z. and the Champion was Ruby C. (who incidentally took 1st on every event to clinch the All Around).
All of these girls did a great job and had a fitting end to a great season. We are working at growing the PREP Optional program in the state and there is no better way that to lead by example. Thanks girls and Thank too to our AWESOME Coaches: Chelsie Nowak, Nikki Weismer, Michelle Terlouw, and Samantha Brinkman. There is a reason why these girls did so well.
We also had a Level 3 meet and our team did an amazing job. There are no awards given for Level 3 but each girls did a fantastic job showing their stuff in front of our home crowd. Thanks to our Level 3 coaches too: Katie Hayes and Breezy Neerland. These girls are still in season and getting ready for state in a few weeks. Good Luck Team!