Posts Tagged ‘Kids in dance’
Training Confident Kids (Part 2)
In the last post we covered how people can gain confidence by pushing the envelope of what is comfortable and what is a little out of the comfort box. Doing this frequently allows us to see things that would normally throw us into a fit of panic as only moderately stressful, and things that were…
Read MoreTraining Confident Kids (part 1)
I had some people ask me questions regarding a past post discussing motivation and it’s relation to confidence. Here is the first of a 2 part post on Confidence and how we get kids to be more confident. As coaches, we always want the best for our athletes. We train them physically to be strong,…
Read MoreMotor Boats and Trains
I have, for a long time, used the analogy of motorboats and trains when I speak to my team kids about motivation. As I raise my own children I realized how this also applies to anyone who may need a little flame placed under the backside. I ask my team kids if they are a…
Read MoreTid-Bits to make you feel better
“Fast food or something out of the vending machine.” That was my reply when a friend asked me. A while ago, what I usually had for lunch. Later he came back and brought me an apple. Subtle, but effective. He called my attention to why I felt so awful all the time. During our conversations…
Read MoreI think you can take one more turn.
On average you have about 79 years to live. You will literally sleep through about 26 of those years that leaves you about 53 years of being awake. You’re going to spend about 6 solid years in classes and getting your education. That leaves you 47. You’re going to graduate and get a job. You…
Read MoreStress in the gym: Stop. Breathe. Look again. do one more.
I just got out of school. I have a paper due tomorrow that I didn’t start. Exams start next week. Our first meet is in 2 weeks. I haven’t stuck a dismount since Tuesday. The rest of the team is going out for pizza and I have to go home and watch my little brother.…
Read MoreMy advice to me growing up
Oh, if only it were possible to talk to me when I was younger and thinking I knew it all already. I have been coaching for over 35 years (yeah I can’t believe it either), and there are things that I know now that I never could have known then. I had a few coaches…
Read MoreReality television is nothing like reality
This weekend the series Coaching Bad premiered on Spike TV. I had to watch it. In a nutshell, several coaches from various sports are brought together to work with an anger counselor. This is all done under watchful former NFL player and current motivational speaker Ray Lewis. There were some real characters: a speed coach…
Read MoreEvery moment is a teachable moment
I was a nerd in school. My mother was a librarian and so any books that were assigned by teachers were read. Cliff notes were not an option. Now as an adult, I utilize book summaries, and sadly am addicted to audio books (while working out). My mother would cringe and ask if I forgot…
Read MoreA note from me about Success
Every year I write notes of encouragement to my competitive team kids, hoping that maybe some blue day that the little nugget might bolster their spirits. I was looking up some quotes on working through problems, perseverance, and success but the notes I was making for myself turned into a blog post instead. All of…
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